Worship at Our Saviour's
Sundays - 10:30am
Worship is at the center of our life together. We gather every Sunday at 10:30am and for other festivals in the rhythm of the Christian year. When we gather to worship, we hear and connect with the Good News of God’s love for us made known in Jesus’ birth, death, resurrection and ascension. We are assured of God’s love and forgiveness. We experience God’s love and forgiveness when we receive in Bread and Wine the Body and Blood of Jesus. We gather and are sent as a community of believers, as imperfect yet beloved people of God, called to be Christ to one another and for the world.
Our Saviour's generally follows the Revised Common Lectionary - a three year cycle of readings for worship from the Hebrew Bible, the Psalms, the Gospels, and the Epistles.
What can I expect at worship at OSLC?
All are welcome at worship and at the table. Folks come as they are - some in their "Sunday best" and others in jeans and a t-shirt. We are a mix of folks for a variety of walks of life. You are welcome as you are. You are beloved by God - as you are, who you are.
We welcome kids of all ages—with the giggles, the squiggles, the not-so-quiet whispers, the tears, and everything that comes with being a kid in worship. Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” (Mark 10:14) Jesus accepts children as they are, so we strive to do so as well. We do have activity bags near the red door entrance, for those who want them.
We welcome all for communion. It is Jesus’ table, not ours. We use wine and bread, but also have a gluten free option and grape juice for those who need or prefer those options. Parents, please let the pastor know if you are comfortable with your kids receiving communion or if you prefer them to receive a blessing.
Worship at Our Saviour's follows a traditional liturgy and mixes various styles of music and hymns. The service is printed in a bulletin so that all can follow along with the service. While we typically shift the liturgy with each church season, our worship follows this basic pattern.
Gathering - In prayer and in song, we are gathered together as the body of Christ in this place. We remember and lean into God's grace and forgiveness either as we confess our sins and receive God's promise of forgiveness or we remember God's promises made to us in the waters of baptism.
Word - We encounter the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ, in Scripture, in preaching, and in song. Through scripture (the inspired written Word of God), preaching (the spoken Word), and song, we trust that God is still speaking to us and through us.
Meal - God feeds us with the presence of Jesus Christ. Jesus is in, with, and under the elements of bread and wine, and so the bread and wine are the body and blood of Christ for us. All are welcome at the table. We believe that the table is not ours but rather is the table of Jesus.
Sending - Strengthened by Word and Sacrament, we are sent from worship out into the world in witness and in service to those around us. In other words, from worship, we are sent to BE the church, the body of Christ, active in the world.
To join us on YouTube, join us on our Livestream page or on the OSLC YouTube Channel. Services will remain online and can be found here, if you'd like to view them later.
Worship Opportunities
Sunday Worship
Sundays @ 10:30am
Our primary worship service takes place on Sundays, along with the majority of the Christian church. Sundays are a celebration and a reminder of the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. We follow the rhythms of the liturgical church year - beginning each year with Advent, moving through Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and ending with the Reign of Christ/ Christ the King Sunday.
Services are typically around an hour long, with festival Sundays lasting around an hour and fifteen minutes or so. We hope to be finding a new post-ish pandemic normal. We recognize that we are not yet through the pandemic, but our services are returning to a normal rhythm.
We value the service and the leadership of those who worship with us. People from congregation help with the leadership of the services. Opportunities to serve include: OSLC choir, Assistant Minister, Reader (Lector), Soloist, Usher, Communion Assistant.
Other Services
Throughout the Church year, we host other services as needed and appropriate. Regular services include:
Service of Longest Night - Dec. 21 @ 7pm
Christmas Eve Kids' Service - Dec. 24 @ 5:30pm
Christmas Eve Candlelight - Dec. 24 @ 7pm
*Ash Wednesday - 7pm
*Ecumenical Lent - Food & Fellowship @ 6pm, Service @ 7pm
*Maundy Thursday - 7pm
*Good Friday - Noon and 7pm
*Easter Sunrise - Varies, near Sunrise
*Because Easter moves, these dates move each year. Check out our calendar for the dates this year!