We are sent out in service
to our communities and to the world.
We are Christ's hands and feet in the world, so we live out our faith in love and in service to those around us. As Jesus says, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35)
Our Social Ministry committee leads many of our outreach programs, including Motel Ministry (an outreach program that feeds individuals and families living in local motels)-, 5th Sunday offerings for local ministries, the Senior Stocking program, and providing Christmas gifts for local families, and collections for HOPE House and FISH food pantry. This committee also is entrusted with disbursing the Missions portion of our endowment fund earnings to community organizations that already do good work serving those in need.
For more information on our Social Ministry work, to suggest new service projects, or to join in on service projects, contact the chair of the Social Ministry Committee, Diane Priestley.
Our Women's Group, WELCA, also is heavily involved in outreach programs. They knit and crochet baby blankets and prayer shawls for local organizations, and they make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. They support organizations, like FISH, by organizing volunteer days. And they participate in the Synod-wide WELCA service projects.
For more information on WELCA, see the WELCA page or contact the president of WELCA, Diane Priestley.
Check out the latest Newsletter for more information about current service events with either of these committees.